The Pros and Cons of Sleep Apps
Edited by Bianca PANTA
In today’s fast-paced, hyper-connected society, getting a full night of sleep is a luxury that most people, even the richest and most successful individuals, can only dream of. Due to stress, bad eating habits, a busy environment, and other reasons, having a fulfilling rest at night has become a rarity for most. An easy solution that many have found to resolve this problem was downloading so-called ‘sleep apps’ onto their phones. The idea behind these is to monitor sleep cycles, offer relaxation techniques, and even track daily lifestyle habits, all in an attempt to minimize and even cure insomnia. But do they really work?

Some critics argue that these apps are primarily used as a marketing technique to get money out of subscriptions and vulnerable users, particularly since the presence of the phones themselves next to the users can negatively affect their sleep. While this is true to some degree, these apps are often able connect to smartwatches or other less-harmful electronic devices.
They work through the tracking of the user’s movements, sounds, and even heart rate, as they sleep. Using this data, they can then distinguish different sleep stages, such as light, deep, and REM sleep. Some of the apps focus more on relaxing the body and preparing the user for a better night’s rest through meditation, white noise, and breathing exercises, while other apps use smart-alarm systems, that are designed to wake you up during lighter stages of sleep, so that you feel more rested and refreshed.
This could all be beneficial to a user who is trying to improve their sleeping habits, as it could help them determine an appropriate time to get into bed or wake up, allowing them to feel more productive in the morning. Studies show that we are most efficient before 9:00 in the morning, posing a challenge for “night owls.” Some apps can also help with stress and anxiety through their modern approaches to relaxation, such as short workouts before bed or the calming sounds of rain while meditating.
However, despite their potential benefits, sleep apps have notable downsides. and any future users should be aware of them before deciding to spend money on them. They are not 100% accurate. These sleep apps are nowhere near as precise as polysomnograms for example, which are used in scientific sleep studies and record your brain waves, the oxygen level in your blood, and your heart rate to diagnose sleep disorders.
Another downside is that they only provide users with short-term solutions. They will not detect any underlying problems, which if untreated, could become worse. While they might make someone feel more relaxed before going to bed or temporarily reduce stress, they’re no weapon against chronic stress or anxiety disorders, and are not going to be able to fix medical conditions such as sleep apnea.
So, are sleep apps really worth it? I would say give it a try. It’s best not to jump straight to paid subscriptions or fully depend on them to fix your sleep schedule, but they could work in combination with other factors, such as lowering caffeine consumption, dietary adjustments, or reducing screen time before bed, which could then improve your well-being and lifestyle.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s best to consult a doctor or a sleep specialist about persistent sleep issues. While these apps may enhance mood or even induce a placebo effect, they are not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.